2005 International Conference
Reflective Practice- The key to innovation in international education
Conference Abstracts
Accommodating learning style differences in a culturally diverse classroom: A New Zealand and Australian viewpoint -
Jacqueline Birt, Carol Sherry, Greg Boland and Sumit Lodhia(20kb)
Barriers and Bridges: some reflections on teaching New Zealand commercial law to international students -
Dr Jonathan Barrett,School of Business and Computer Technology, Nelson Marlborough Institute ofTechnology, Nelson(20kb)
Career on Wheels: An Innovative Approach to Imparting Skills -
Venugopal Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Acharya Nagarjuna Univesity, India
Krishna Reddy Tadigotla, Joint Transport Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh State, India
Hanoku Bathula, School of International Studies, Auckland Institute of Studies, New Zealand(20kb)
Coming to Terms with Language Learner Strategies: what do strategy experts think about the terminology and where would they direct their research? -
Andrew D Cohen, Visiting Professor, The University of Auckland(18kb)
Consciousness-raising with students on the differences between L1 and L2 -
Shirin Brown, Auckland Institute of Studies(19kb)
Cultural Differences in Computing Practices, Knowledge and Attitudes of Business Students (2004) -
Carol A Sherry, School of Accountancy, Law and Finance, Unitec, New Zealand
Kay A Fielden, School of Computing and Information Technology, Unitec, New Zealand(19kb)
Developing a culture of second language acquisition research amongst NZ primary and secondary school mainstream teachers -
Maree Jeurissen and Margaret Kitchen, Education Faculty, the University of Auckland(24kb)
Developing a web-driven ESOL course for on-shore and off-shore audiences: a critical reflection -
Madelize Bekker and Jo de Lisle, Waikato Institute of Technology(19kb)
Does Teaching of Entrepreneurship Programs Require Differing Approaches Across Cultures? -
Ravi Bhat and Alex Maritz, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Unitec(52kb)
Educational and Cultural Resilience in Vietnamese Educational Leaders: Four Stories -
Geoff. Lee, Dunedin College of Education(20kb)
The Effectiveness of Interactive Teaching and Learning -
Jamila Ahmed and Reshmi Prasad, Auckland Institute of Studies(16kb)
Effectiveness of Reflective Learning in a Tertiary International Institution (Impact of Ethnicity) -
Ravinder Kaur and Altaf Husein Shaikh, Auckland Institute of Studies
Rubaiyet Hasan Khan, University of Auckland(16kb)
Equipping Students for a Lifetime of Learning: Six Practical Tools -
Neil J Anderson, Brigham Young University, Utah(16kb)
Have I offended you? Appropriate non-verbal communication in the international classroom -
Carol Griffiths, Mariska Mannes and Thelma Raman, Auckland Institute of Studies(16kb)
How can I help?: Reflections on best practice versus time and resource constraints in 1:1 responses to International students’ university writing. -
John Wyatt, Student Services, Massey University(34kb)
“I read English well but I don’t understand much!” -
Sali Zaliha Mustapha, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia(37kb)
Improving Chinese EFL Learners’ Speaking and Writing through Reflective Scenario-Based Learning -
Yan Shaolan, Instructional Centre for Foreign Languages of Guangxi Normal University, China(19kb)
Motivation factors of English as an additional language (EAL) learners in a tertiary foundation studies programme -
Mark Hornby, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT)(19kb)
Quality of education: Perceptions and attitudes of academic staff -
Anca Muresan and Manisha Balaji, Auckland Institute of Studies(18kb)
“Reflecting on the achievement of quality assurance in higher education through formal regulatory intervention” -
Malcolm Abbott, Auckland Institute of Studies(19kb)
Reflections on the Influence of an International Language and Culture: Spanish on Philippine Literature -
Lilia Maria Sevillano, Auckland Institute of Studies(18kb)
Reflective Analysis and Vision (RAV) -
Helen Panayiodou, Faculty of Education University of Auckland(20kb)
Reflective Practice and Action Research as a source of pre-service and inservice professional development and classroom innovation: Burden or benefit? - myth or reality?
Heather Denny, Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Auckland University of Technology(17kb)
A Review of the Impact of Homestay on Language Learners and Language Learning -
Koichi (Koh) Tanaka, Auckland Institute of Studies(19kb)
Strategies for Success in IELTS -
Carol Griffiths and David Jordan, Auckland Institute of Studies(17kb)
Study Writing
Mark Wolfersberger, Auckland Institute of Studies(18kb)
Teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Frameworks -
Alex Maritz and Ravi Bhat, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Unitec(24kb)
Thai Tourism Context: A Lesson for International Educators' -
Ershad Ali and Semisi Taumoepeau, Auckland Institute of Studies(17kb)
The’forgotten little sister’ in the international sector: The ‘nanny state’ effect in recent educational policy developments in the primary sector -
Dr Richard Smith, School of Education Te Kura Mtauranga, Auckland University of Technology(38kb)
The knowledge audit process in language and learning: What do(n’t) we know about teaching international students? -
Brian Curtis, Monash University(18kb)
The reflective learner: Chinese international students’ use of strategies to enhance university study -
Gillian Skyrme, School of Language Studies, Massey University(18kb)
To err is human: but do they learn? -
Mike Roberts, Auckland Institute of Studies(17kb)
Transcripts: An Objective Basis for Reflective Teaching -
Elizabeth Hiser, International Pacific College(17kb)
Using Learner Diaries in a Study on Learner Beliefs Toward Group Learning (in an EAP Course) -
Jane Hislop, University of Otago(23kb)
Using Weblog to Support Second Language Instruction LUO, Shuanglan and YAN, Shaolan -
Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, People’s Republic of China(20kb)
When Legal Worlds Collide: Teaching Law to International Business Students -
John Horsley and Jill Jones, Manukau Institute of Technology(20kb)
Presentation by Visiting Scholars
Andrew Cohen, University of Minnesota, 24 June 2005
Andrew Cohen 13Augy04.ppt (403kb)
Ernesto Macaro, University of Oxford, 24 June 2005
Ernesto Macaro.ppt (174kb)
Cynthia White, Massey University, 24 June 2005
Cynthia White.ppt (121kb)
Rod Ellis, University of Auckland
What role do individual.ppt (97kb)